"The No. 1 management mistake is running the System blind!"
RealiteQ makes you see and operate Any system, Anytime, Anywhere
RealiteQ is a developer of the new generation of SCADA and telemetry solution.
RealiteQ technology is a state of the art, "one stop shop" (end to end), of a real time, cloud base SCADA solution.
RealiteQ presents an economic & technological affordable SCADA and telemetry solution to any remote system what so ever.


RealiteQ solution makes the SCADA technology available to any user in any size anywhere in any level of IT capabilities:
- Affordable - Low CAPEX (as no infrastructure is needed) and low OPEX (No maintenance). No IT capabilities needed
- User friendly - Easy and fast installation and use
- Integrative - Can be connected to almost any existing equipment (sensors, analyzers, PLC…) and third party software
- One stop shop - End to end (telemetry & HMI), Bi & multi directional, historian data base, reports and alarms
- Safe & Secured - Real time system which provide maximum efficiency and operational safety.
Generate operational alerts for system failures & security alerts for unauthorized remote or on site operation (HLS).