RealiteQ is a New (Fourth) Generation of SCADA system

RealiteQ is a cloud/internet based SCADA system: by using fourth generation SCADA system infrastructure cost of the SCADA reduced by adopting the Internet of Things (IoT) technology with available cloud computing.


RealiteQ web (Cloud) SCADA solution, which developed as end-to-end (Telemetry, UI/HMI software & Service) Information and Communication Technology (ICT) that gathers and controls critical and operational data, in real time from sensors, analyzers and controllers/PLC. Relevant personal from the CEO to the filed technician, wherever they may be, can view and control the system.


RealiteQ supplies a unique solution for global system monitoring and control, based on reliable and solid technology spanning worldwide. By harnessing the public Internet infrastructure RealiteQ bridges between various service providers, different communication networks and dispersed control centers.


RealiteQ is specifically designed for real-time control and monitoring. It retrieves critical information from remote sensors, analyzers and controllers; handles alerts and alarm notifications; provides historical data and opens secure event channels for real time remote control.



RealiteQ technology contains main 3 components: iCex, COMP, UI/HMI as seen below:


RealiteQ technology components



RealiteQ security:

Reali Technologies invests many efforts and resources in providing the RealiteQ highly secured cloud based SCADA & telemetry solution. we're using several security levels in RealiteQ:


  • Reliable Service – multiple hosting.  We have three different servers there, one for real time, one for history and one for backup these two servers. Our servers are running at Amazon but for different customers and territories, we have two more separated hosting's, one in Germany and one in Israel.
  • Each project has its own database.
  • Most advanced security procedures applied which the main ones are: no static IP, SSL, 128 hash code S-Key, no transparent connection, all are clients but the COMP, password encryption, adaptive delays and blocking of users with wrong passwords, and more...
  • The software can't track ICEX device real time location (RealiteQ producers need no fix IP, preventing hacker attacks.)
  • Remote operational alert – any remote operation of critical values will generate notification to the relevant personal (under test).
  • Option for monitoring only (Model "M") – remote operation is blocked and only remote monitoring is running.


View RealiteQ highly secured cloud based SCADA details